iterryblog: Power Through Challenge -Marfan Syndrome Awareness and Heart Awareness Month

Ready for the kickoff! For the month of February starting February 5-28 I’ve challenged my family in honor of Marfan Syndrome Awareness and Heart Awareness Month to have no fast food and no soda. I’d like to extend this challenge to my blogging family and social media community who would like to participate in this challenge.

I was diagnosed at the age of 2 with Marfan Syndrome. Here in the United States, approximately 200,000 have Marfan Syndrome but half have not been officially diagnosed with the connective tissue disease. It’s important to be diagnosed early this can help prevent a sudden early death that occurs from a tear in the aorta. When diagnosed early you’re able to do routine checkups with your cardiologist.

My family is joining me on this challenge with a history of heart disease that’s occurred in my family and also me having Marfan Syndrome it’s important to raise awareness. Throughout the month I’ll be checking in on iterryblog throughout the challenge called Power Through providing encouragement, 5 facts about Marfan Syndrome and Heart Health, and updates on how my family is doing on the challenge.

For more information about Marfan Syndrome and Heart Awareness or to make a donation visit Marfan Syndrome Foundation and American Heart Association




  1. abrightclearweb · February 4, 2018

    Good luck with your challenge! I haven’t heard of Marfan syndrome before but my family are no strangers to heart problems. I would like to do some charity walks later in the year to raise funds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ivy · February 4, 2018

      A lot of great charity walks to choose from! 😄


  2. Clarissa Jackson · February 6, 2018

    You can count me in. I am inspired Ivy! No soda or fast food for the Jackson family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ivy · February 7, 2018

      Awesome! We can do it!


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