Week 3 – Power Through Challenge

WooHoo! We are now into Week 3 of the Power Through Challenge! My motivation throughout the challenge is honoring Marfan Awareness Week and Heart Month. Please take time to visit Marfan Syndrome Foundation website and American Heart Association website. I’ll have the links posted at the end of this blog post for you.

What motivated you to keep pushing on throughout the first 2 weeks? It hasn’t been easy let me tell you. I would have that craving for a soda but realize my reasons for doing the challenge which helped me get over that hurdle. Fast food let’s be honest can be very convenient. Especially if you just need a quick lunch but how many of us pick the healthy choice at those particular restaurants.

Now for 3rd Week of Power Through Challenge

Take time throughout the coming days and focus on any improvements in your health since starting the challenge. The Power Through Challenge will be coming to a close but that doesn’t mean we should go back to our old ways in the choices we make on our health. I think from doing the Power Through Challenge it should help us realize the importance of making healthy choices for our bodies.

5 Facts about Marfan Syndrome

  • Early diagnosis is key.
  • It’s important to know family history pertaining to family members that have Marfan Syndrome or those in the family that passed away unexpectedly early in life due to unexplained heart-related death. The information is used in making a diagnosis.
  • An echocardiogram is done when suspected Marfan Syndrome as a possible diagnosis.
  • Eye examination using a slit lamp is done to see if the patient has dislocated lenses to help in making a diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome.
  • MRI is done to check for possible dural ectasia in patient’s lower back which can help in making a Marfan Syndrome diagnosis.


5 Facts About Heart Awareness

  • 150 minutes moderate exercise for adults (at least 30 minutes 5 days a week) or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise for adults (25 minutes 3 days a week).
  • Average 40 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise for those that need to lower their blood pressure or cholesterol (do 3 to 4 times a week).
  • Walking simple exercise to start that helps improve heart health.
  • Aerobic exercise benefits the heart.

Please consult your family physician before starting an exercise program.

For more information about Marfan Syndrome and Heart Awareness or to make a donation visit Marfan Syndrome Foundation https://www.marfan.org/ and American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/

iterryblog: Power Through Challenge -Marfan Syndrome Awareness and Heart Awareness Month

Ready for the kickoff! For the month of February starting February 5-28 I’ve challenged my family in honor of Marfan Syndrome Awareness and Heart Awareness Month to have no fast food and no soda. I’d like to extend this challenge to my blogging family and social media community who would like to participate in this challenge.

I was diagnosed at the age of 2 with Marfan Syndrome. Here in the United States, approximately 200,000 have Marfan Syndrome but half have not been officially diagnosed with the connective tissue disease. It’s important to be diagnosed early this can help prevent a sudden early death that occurs from a tear in the aorta. When diagnosed early you’re able to do routine checkups with your cardiologist.

My family is joining me on this challenge with a history of heart disease that’s occurred in my family and also me having Marfan Syndrome it’s important to raise awareness. Throughout the month I’ll be checking in on iterryblog throughout the challenge called Power Through providing encouragement, 5 facts about Marfan Syndrome and Heart Health, and updates on how my family is doing on the challenge.

For more information about Marfan Syndrome and Heart Awareness or to make a donation visit Marfan Syndrome Foundation https://www.marfan.org/ and American Heart Association https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/